Literacy Project

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Literacy in deaf people goes beyond learning to communicate in their natural language, reading, and writing in Spanish. It is the construction of an essential bridge to communication within the family, thus strengthening bonds and having a significant impact on the community.


We carry out literacy in:

Deaf people:

  • Who do not handle sign language: Literacy in Paraguayan Sign Language.
  • Who handle sign language but have little reading comprehension in Spanish.

Hearing people:

  • Families with a deaf member: Sign Language Literacy to learn how to communicate with their deaf family member.
  • Professionals: Sign Language Literacy for different professionals with specific vocabulary by profession.

Linguistic project:

Sign writing is a complete system for writing and reading sign languages. This phonetic dictionary in LSPY uses the SignWriting symbolic writing method invented by Valerie Sutton. You can view this dictionary at the following link: